A Green Party PCC would prioritize road safety policing as a matter of considerable urgency. However, it seems to me that merely adding to the overall number of road traffic officers would not be some kind of panacea and as a result it would probably not be the way we would approach this. Continue reading How to ensure we have safer roads in Norfolk…
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Discussing the PCC role…
Last night I was on Mustard TV discussing my ideas for policing in the east and what needs to be done to make Norfolk the safer county we all want to see.
Policing in the East – manifesto launch
Last week the Green Party’s PCC candidates for Norfolk and Suffolk launched the manifesto for “Policing in the East” alongside Baroness Jenny Jones – the former Deputy Mayor of London.
Specific plans include a greater emphasis on under-or-unreported crimes such as domestic violence and rural thefts, which the Green Party candidates have claimed is particularly important to many residents in Norfolk and Suffolk.
This is the first time the Green Party are putting forward candidates anywhere in the region and are optimistic that the party’s vision for a more progressive form of policing and justice will resonate with voters on May 5th.
Concentrating on Yarmouth… my responses on how to make Great Yarmouth Safer
1) What issues in crime and policing does Great Yarmouth (town and borough) face that are unique to the area?
According to recent crime figures for Great Yarmouth, the most prevalent crimes are anti-social behaviour (ASB) and violent ones. In 2013 for instance, the ASB rate in Great Yarmouth was above the national average . Similarly the number of violent and sexual crimes and the amount of of drug-related offences was well above the national average and thus more action needs to be taken to remedy these. However, it is also worth pointing out that these figures showed that vehicle crime and burglary rates were low in the town and borough. Continue reading Concentrating on Yarmouth… my responses on how to make Great Yarmouth Safer
Green Party PCC Candidates to Unveil Election Manifesto on “Policing in the East”

This Saturday, the Green Party will be unveiling their manifesto on “Policing in the East” alongside the the party’s representative in the House of Lords, Baroness Jenny Jones.
The party’s proposals are set to focus on ensuring the establishment of better communication between the community and local constabularies and ensuring that the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office is more transparent to allow greater public awareness regarding what the post entails. Continue reading Green Party PCC Candidates to Unveil Election Manifesto on “Policing in the East”