One of Martin’s key policies, if elected, would be to introduce a “late night levy”, which allows local areas to charge businesses that supply alcohol late into the night for the extra enforcement costs that the night-time economy generates for police and licensing authorities.
At the moment, we only have estimates about how much this could raise in Norfolk, but it seems clear that £100,000s could be generated by implementing this measure, given what has happened in other areas where such a levy has been introduced.
Newcastle became the first local authority to implement this levy on licensed premises operating between midnight and 6am in November 2013 and over the next year generated £302,942.
The cost of administering this levy was £22,500 and so the net gain to the council and to the local constabulary was £280,442.
Cheltenham Borough Council also introduced a similar scheme and raised £76,889.
Consequently if such a scheme was implemented across the whole of Norfolk, it seems clear that £100,000s could be raised, which would be vital in supporting local services, especially at a time when the police and local authorities are facing drastic central spending cuts.
To find out more about the Late Night Levy, please click here